Learn how to be Brilliant Every Single Day

Our Doctors of Mental Performance provide cognitive training not only to Athletes, but also to Non-Sport High Performers as well.

Those successful in their careers understand the value in learning. There is great benefit to learning about your personal physiology and how your body self regulates to keep your brain operating at its most effective level.

We are experts in providing strategies and tools to facilitate self-awareness of performance inhibiting thoughts and behaviors, as well as, teaching personalized strategies to individuals to optimally self-regulate the mind-body connection.

You can train and optimize the mind to optimize the body so it can work more efficiently. 

Learning how to regulate your physiology is achieving a state of coherence. What is that you ask? Check out this video

More helpful links Business Performance and Non-Sport Performers

If you would like to learn how to regulate your physiology and achieve a state of coherence schedule an appointment with one of our Mental Performance Specialists today! Call 757-416-6700 or request an appointment here.