How are you managing your body's response to stress?

"Chris, a 45-year-old business executive, had a family history of heart disease, and was feeling extremely stressed, fatigued, and generally in poor emotional health. A 24-hour heart rate variability analysis revealed abnormally depressed activity in both branches of his autonomic nervous system, suggesting autonomic exhaustion ensuing from maladaptation to high stress levels.

His heart rate variability was far lower then would be expected for his age, and was below the clinical cut-off level for significantly increased risk of sudden cardiac death.

In addition, Chris’s average heart rate was abnormally high at 102 beats per minute, and his heart rate did not drop at night as it should. Upon reviewing these results, his physician concluded that it was imperative that Chris take measures to reduce his stress."  

The Doctor recommended healthy alternative options to help Chris improve his psychophysiological coherence. Like the techniques Chris used in this prologue* we too specialize in helping the body regulate the autonomic nervous system through manual techniques, massage, breath work, education, and mental performance training.

Our programs provide increased synchronization and harmony in the functioning of many physiological systems to benefit multiple dimensions of your health.

We are your one stop shop offering natural solutions and healthy alternatives to managing stress and providing you with the wellness, attention, and maintenance your body needs to operate and perform. 

If you are concerned with how stress is affecting your life or someone you love, TAKE ACTION. We are here to help and can offer different services to help regulate the autonomic nervous system and affect the physiology of many body systems. 

Get started by booking a PhysioMassage and Mental Performance Session today!

Do not let your health deteriorate. Proactive Health not only affects you, but also those you love! Think about your Return of Investment (ROI). Your ROI affects your health, your relationships, your body, and your quality of life in many positive ways. 

We know you will not be disappointed!

Learn about our niche - We are different!

*Excerpted from McCraty & Tomasino (2006),1 pp. 360-361.