Postural Restoration Integration for Fitness Workout

Around this time last year, I got to spend a weekend at North Carolina State University preparing for the PRI Integration for Fitness and Movement course. Last year, I worked with James Anderson to write and put together an advanced post graduate continuing education course to help various movement professionals understand the important functional application found in the PRI Science. 

In this post graduate course, we teach sound biomechanical application for fitness movement patterns and how to restore tri-planar muscle integration.  Special attention is placed on training key muscles groups like the abdominals, glutes, hamstrings, and the thoracoscapular muscles around the ribcage. 

After James and I took Matt through a series of fitness based movement patterns taught in this course, here's what he had to say:

Regardless if you understand any PRI or not: always remember: working out and lifting weights should NOT be painful. Workouts and performance programs should incorporate a variety of loads and movement patterns so that the body does not adapt incorrectly or get locked up in compromising biomechanical adaptation patterns.

Incorporating movement patterns where the body has to move in and out of zones of movement, rhythmically, and reciprocally in an alternating fashion, offers our physiological and biological systems the variability they need to function effectively. This also restores tri-planar function and core performance needed to improve athletic durability and performance longevity, not to mention protects and reduces the excessive loads and forces to the spine, hips, knees, shoulders, neck, and more. 

Incorporating PRI Fitness principles into your current routine is not hard to do. It can serve many benefits and we encourage you to learn more and get evaluate to objectively see how your body is balanced. Making sure your workouts are balanced in 3 planes will help you get rid of nagging injuries, reduce pain and excessive muscle tension, recover faster and improve functional mobility to move with less effort.

You can read my original post here.