
Massage for Mammas: Me-Time is Important in All Phases of Motherhood

Massage for Mammas: Me-Time is Important in All Phases of Motherhood

The prenatal and postnatal phases are both beautiful and brutal experiences when having a baby. When carrying, the lower ribs can become more flared to make room for the baby, especially during the last trimester. Once we have the baby and begin cradling during feedings, it creates more tension along the bra line area. Whether you’re nursing or bottle feeding, it can become very painful due to the posture we tend to assume during those long periods of time (even more so when we are already physically and mentally tired). As a mom, you’re going to experience pain in many places throughout the different phases of being a mamma. Fortunately for you, I’ve been there and am doing it, so I know what to recommend for help.